Lord Cataldo Querini

Hails from the Shire of Isenfir
Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Queen’s Champion of Arts and Sciences (Ansteorra)

Metalworking | Medieval Hunting |
Cut & Thrust

Lord Cataldo first encountered the SCA while serving in the United States Army in the Kingdom of Calontir. Initially drawn to the Society by an interest in making armour, he soon began fighting on the chivalric field. While in the Shire of Dun Ard, he served as the Knight Marshal for two years. Cataldo then moved the Kingdom of Ansteorra at the request of his noble Uncle Samuel, his rightful Federal Lord.

Upon arriving in the Kingdom of Ansteorra and attending a single fighter practice, Cataldo almost immediately sent once again on a second crusade to Mesopotamia. When he returned to Ansteorra, he began regularly attending practices in his home group, the Stronghold of Hellsgate. During his time there, he was honored to serve as the Stronghold’s Deputy Seneschal and joined Clan Macuredaig as a Squire to Sir Maelgyn Dda.

As he became more involved in the chivalric fighting community, Cataldo fought for the Barony of Bryn Gwlad in many melee engagements and was selected to serve as the Baronial War Company Commander. As one of his last great hurrahs before leaving the Kingdom of Ansteorra, Lord Cataldo fought in Crown Tourney; while he may have lost Crown Tourney that day, he did win the Arts & Sciences Tournament. This means that he can legitimately claim to have “fought in Crown and won the tournament that day”.

Due to injuries received from the enemies of his Federal Lord during Cataldo’s first crusade, he was forbidden from chivalric combat by a several slightly surly chirurgeons. At the same time, Cataldo was also retired from the service of his Federal Lord, leaving him time to develop his skills as a scholar and practitioner of the art of the duello.

Arriving in the Kingdom of Atlantia, Cataldo began once again working on his artistic endeavors, being honored with the position of Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion of the Barony of Tir-y-Don. During his tenure as the Baronial Champion, he taught several classes on metalworking and medieval hunting. This would serve as a wonderful stepping stone in Cataldo’s artistic journey, placing him in position to later become the Arts & Sciences Champion for the Kingdom of Atlantia. As Kingdom Champion, he represented the Kingdom with his artwork at both Gulf Wars and The Great Pennsic War as well as sponsoring several competitions at various events.

Cataldo’s interests were not limited to merely artistic pursuits however, as he continued to expand his repertoire of fencing skills. Authorized in Cut and Thrust, Cataldo makes it a point to annoy each fencer he meets by asking them if (and when) they too will become Cut and Thrust authorized. He does not intend to stop doing this. As a member of the Dragoon Guards, Cataldo intends to take up arms against his Kingdom’s enemies and smite their ruin (safely) upon the field of battle. He is supported in this by Despotes Charimmos Lakadaimonias, a fine gentleman whom Cataldo serves as Ensign and has betrayed several times.

Lord Cataldo Querini generally portrays a 15th century retired Venetian condottiere during his time in the Society. He also dabbles in the 14th Century alongside members of the Company of Saint Guinefort where he investigates matters related to the medieval hunt.

Current Kingdom Arts & Sciences Champion
Former Tir-Y-Don Arts & Sciences Champion
Former Barony of Bryn Gwlad (Ansteorra) War Company Commander
Former Stronghold of Hellsgate (Ansteorra) Deputy Seneschal
Former Shire of Dun Ard (Calontir) Knight Marshal
Group Shire of Isenfir
Major Awards Queen’s Champion of Arts and Sciences (Ansteorra)
Sable Talon of Ansteorra
Complete List of Awards Order of Precedence Page
Offices Held Current Kingdom Arts & Sciences Champion
Former Tir-Y-Don Arts & Sciences Champion
Former Barony of Bryn Gwlad (Ansteorra) War Company Commander
Former Stronghold of Hellsgate (Ansteorra) Deputy Seneschal
Former Shire of Dun Ard (Calontir) Knight Marshal
Other Interests Metalworking, Medieval Hunting, Cut & Thrust